It is natural to be curious about the potential side effects of LASIK eye surgery, such as dry eyes, and it is healthy to do so. After their operation, some patients may not have symptoms. [Not Every Patient] However, the symptoms are typically moderate and only last for a brief period of time for people who are affected. 

One of the advantages of eye surgery with LASIK is that it allows for a speedy recovery after the procedure. Within twenty-four hours, the majority of patients are able to resume their normal activities, and the vast majority of them do not require any time off from work or school.

After eye surgery lasik, dry eye is one of the most frequently experienced side effects. The following symptoms may present themselves if your eyes are chronically dry:

  • Irritated eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • Eye redness
  • Vision that is hazy
  • A feeling similar to scratching
  • Stinging or burning 
  • Difficulties that arise when driving at night
  • Feeling like something is in your eye

After LASIK surgery, it is common for patients to experience dry eyes. WebMD reports that shortly following a treatment or vision correction a patient, up to 95% of patients experience symptoms of dry eye. 

However, in the weeks that follow your LASIK eye surgery, you should start to see a considerable improvement in your vision to correct. The longer it has been since your LASIK eye treatment, the less likely it is that you may experience symptoms of dry eye.

Managing Dry Eyes After LASIK: Different Approaches

Dry eye after eye surgery with LASIK is treatable despite the fact that it is a common side effect of the procedure. After having LASIK eye surgery done, there is no cause for you to worry about your eyes being dry and how it will affect your daily life. After having surgery to improve your vision, there are a number of different treatments available for dry eye.

Lubricating Eye Drops

Following your LASIK eye surgery, you will be provided with lubricating eye drops to aid in the recovery of your eyes and alleviate symptoms such as dry eyes. Be sure to provide the drops exactly as directed in the instructions, which include when and how to do so. You can reduce the symptoms of dry eye by using the eye drops regularly to keep your eyes well lubricated.

After having LASIK surgery, you will be able to continue using over-the-counter eyedrops, which are often referred to as artificial tears, for as long as your doctor recommends. After you have finished your operation, a member of our staff will give you all of the pertinent information that you require.

Decrease Your Time in Front of the Screen

After your LASIK eye surgery, your doctor will provide you with an activity schedule that details when you can return to your regular routine. Within just one day of the treatment, you will be able to return to the majority of your regular daily activities, such as using digital devices.

Even if it is safe for you to use electronic devices after LASIK laser eye treatment, you should still try to limit your exposure to screens for the time being, at least until your eyes have fully recovered from the procedure. 

This will lessen the likelihood that you will get dry eye and will alleviate any symptoms that you might now be experiencing. Going forwards, it is important to take frequent breaks from digital gadgets and to make use of lubricating eye drops if any dry eye symptoms are exacerbated by their use.

We Recommend Using a Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress to the eyes, such as with a washcloth, is yet another speedy method for alleviating dry eye symptoms. Put the compress on your eyes, and take some deep breaths. This can assist moisturise the eyes and relieve any discomfort that you may be experiencing.

Do not rub your eyes, despite the fact that they may feel irritated due to the dryness. When you are healing from LASIK eye surgery, you should refrain from touching your eyes. An alternative that is risk-free is a warm compress.

Lifestyle Changes

You can reduce the negative consequences of dry eye by incorporating a few simple lifestyle changes into your regular routine. For instance, make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day, especially if you are in a location that is hot or humid.

Consider purchasing a humidifier if you feel that the dry air could be a contributing factor in the dryness of your eyes. However, when you are healing from eye surgery with LASIK, you should avoid letting the wind blow directly into your eyes.

When you walk outside after having LASIK surgery done, you should also make sure that you are wearing appropriate eye protection. Look for sunglasses that fit you properly and offer adequate protection from the sun. 

This will not only protect your eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays, but it will also prevent debris from getting into your eyes, which can prevent tears from forming properly.

Plugs for Comfort

Finally, comfort plugs are still another treatment option for dry eye after LASIK surgery. These are very little plugs that are put into the tear ducts in order to raise the amount of tear film and decrease the symptoms of dry eye.

It is feasible to utilise temporary plugs, which will dissipate a few months after they have been inserted into the hole. In more severe cases (especially if you had a history of dry eyes before LASIK), you may be advised to try using silicone comfort plugs in your eyes. 

These will not go away on their own, but an optometrist can remove them at any time if they become bothersome. However, it is possible for a patient to need comfort plugs after LASIK eye surgery; this, however, is not very common. After having your vision corrected, you won’t often require this treatment for your dry eyes, despite the fact that it is an efficient remedy for the condition.

Dry eye symptoms following LASIK surgery are typically nothing to be concerned about. It is typically a natural symptom that occurs while your eyes are healing. In the weeks that immediately follow surgery, you should start to notice a marked improvement in your condition. 

Because there are several methods available to both prevent and treat the symptoms of dry eye, you won’t have to struggle with any discomfort in the years after undergoing LASIK eye surgery.

In the extremely unlikely event that you experience an increase in eye dryness as a result of eye surgery with LASIK or if you have any other concerns, we will make sure that you have our clinic’s phone available so that you can get in touch with us directly. 

Following your surgery with LASIK, the post-operative care of our patients is of the utmost concern to us at Personal Eyes, and we will make certain that all of your symptoms are evaluated as soon as possible after the surgery.

The elimination of the need for eyeglasses and contacts is a game-changer. Make an appointment for a no-cost consultation if you’re ready to reap the benefits of LASIK eye surgery. 


If you are having any question or inquiry about how to have a correct vision, Laser eye surgery, Corneal tissue problems, Lasik surgery, laser beam in healing process, excimer laser usage, refractive eye surgery, laser treatment, laser suite, contact sports, the surgical procedure for refractive surgery or Lasik laser eye surgery – you should get in touch with us via our Personal Eyes website to book your free assessment today.

We will go through a series of diagnostic procedures to figure out which treatment option is best for you, after which we will go over all of your available choices. Today is the day to schedule your no-cost consultation with Personal Eyes.

More to read: A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Wavefront LASIK